My first five wonderments;

1. I wonder if this is the journey I have always dreamt of since 2017.

2. I wonder if Ghanaian Professors will be so accommodating like NDSU EDUC class.

3. I wonder if I would complete this program should I have done it in Ghana.

4. I wonder if one day there will be such cordial Professor student relationship in Ghana.

5. I wonder if a Ghanaian professor will allow students to decide on how to attend class either in person or virtual without imposing one on them.

Next 10 Wonderments

6. I wonder why there is less interest in STEM by girls in Ghana.

7. I wonder why School Supervision in Ghana is more of fault finding.

8. I wonder the best approach to Instructional Supervision

9. I wonder why most leaders in Ghana schooled abroad but fail to implement what they learn when they return.

10. I wonder how the unemployment situation in Ghana can be improved.

11. I wonder if Politicians hears the cries of the masses.

12. I wonder how Ghanaian teachers survive on their salaries

13. I wonder why healthcare is so expensive in America

14. I wonder what next after PhD in USA

15. I wonder if I can bring the needed change in the Ghana Education System.

Last 10 Wonderments

16. I wonder if teaching is lucrative.

17. I wonder how Ghanaian curriculum could be changed to meet the needs of society.

18. I wonder why sports in schools are not promoted in Ghana.

19. I wonder why Ghanaians value politicians more than the academia

20. I wonder if Ghana would go back to the old Education system that produces graduate directly to the job market.

21. I wonder if Ghana is properly integrating technology into teaching.

22. I wonder if more girl child could be consciously encouraged to pursue STEM programs

23. I wonder if Ghana is aware the world is gradually moving towards STEM education.

24. I wonder how Religion has been monetized in Ghana

25. I wonder how Religion could be regulated in Ghana  
