For every individual who set out to pursue any activity being it Education, Politics or Business, He or she should have something that urges him or her on to reach that goal they have set.

My journey to pursue PhD has been one of many challenges that life offers every individual as we go through it.

I will be chronicling the events leading to my being accepted into the PhD in Education Program

But for now, find below my Statement of Qualification that got the Admission panel of NDSU Graduate School to accept me into the Bison Community.



My passion for helping and supporting Education and awareness in underprivileged population has driven me towards been in the education sector my entire life hence the decision to pursue a PhD in Education.

I have been employed by the Ghana Education Service since September, 2009 as a classroom teacher until I was promoted to the Position of School Improvement Support Officer at Juaben Municipal Education Directorate in 2019 where I supervise teaching and learning in ten public and four private pre tertiary institutions.

Besides, my qualifications which include a Master’s degree in Educational Administration and Management from the University of Education, Winneba and a Bachelor’s degree in Basic Education from the same University as well as Diploma in Basic Education from Akrokerri College of Education through the University of Cape Coast, my experience as an assistant lecturer with the University of Education Winneba, have contributed immensely to my pool of knowledge, skills, leadership and research abilities.

During both my undergraduate and post graduate studies I have developed the skills to research complex issues to arrive at a logical conclusion.

I am a quick learner with an impressive thinking and intellectual curiosity, a culturally competent personality with all the qualities of an ideal team member who is focused and determined to complete task within stipulated time.

Coming from an extended family in the Ghanaian setting where the highest level of Education that one has reached is Senior High School, I see Education as precious like a diamond.

To me, a child represents the future. Regardless of what circumstances a child is born into, each of them carries uninhibited potential. Sadly, many children grow up in counterproductive and even dangerous environment. This has led me into establishing a foundation called Health Education and Youth Development Advocacy Foundation (Heydaf-Ghana), aimed at helping the Ghanaian child to be responsible individual by delivering diverse range of interventions in the areas of education and health.

The quality output, well designed curriculum and professional opportunities of this prestigious institution have led me to undertake this journey of pursuing a PhD with specialization in Educational Organizational Leadership and Learning, where my research interest in helping reduce absenteeism among teachers in public basic schools in Ghana with technology will be adopted and implemented by the Ghana Education Service. It will be a great honor to get admitted in such a reputable institution.


Frank Antwi-Boasiakoh

Juaben Municipal Education Directorate

Ashanti, Ghana.
